Health~Holland opens call for Organ-on-Chip showcases

Stimulating the early phase in Organ-on-Chip technology development

New programme and call

Within this new HHOOCS programme, interdisciplinary consortia of companies, recognised knowledge institutions, patient organisations and/or health foundations are invited to apply for financial support to develop an Organ-on-Chip showcase that integrates human stem cell or organoid in vitro cultures and/or microfluidics technology. The financial support is part of the public-private partnership (PPP) allowance of the Top Sector. The programme aims at developing showcases for specific organ or tissue functionalities which qualify for further research funding. The deadline for submission is 14 January 2019.

Want to join?

Interested in the research programme and the requirements for application? Please visit the funding page on our website.

With the Crossover call, NWO funds research projects in public-private partnerships (PPP) that focus on societal challenges and connect several of the Dutch top sectors. The call is open to all scientific disciplines. Broadly composed interdisciplinary consortia, consisting of researchers and public and private partners, can submit research proposals for a coherent project.

Societal challenges

The crossover call aims to strengthen the Dutch knowledge and innovation system with high-quality scientific research that contributes to solving societal challenges. Within the call, interdisciplinary consortia of TO2 institutions, companies, civil society organisations, trade departments, local or regional authorities and other public knowledge institutions are invitedto apply for financial support. The consortia can apply for a minimum of €5 million and a maximum of €10 million per project. The deadline for submitting an expression of interest is 15 November 2018 at 14:00 hours CET.

Want to join?

Interested in the Crossover call and the application requirements? Then please visit the funding page on our website.

Application deadline for Match Call of Top Sector LSH

Growing public-private partnership potential in the Dutch LSH sector

The Top Sector Life Sciences & Health (LSH) supports innovative research realised by public-private partnerships (PPP) in the life sciences and health sector. With the ongoing Match Call, research organisations, health foundations and companies (startups, SMEs and industry) are invited to jointly invest in research and development (R&D) for the benefit of evidence-based innovation. By doing this they will jointly help build strong and sustainable LSH sector that contributes to the global challenge ‘Health and Care’.

Financial potential Top Sector LSH rapidly increases

Due to the growing public-private partnership potential in the Dutch LSH sector, the PPP Allowance of the Top Sector LSH has grown from 38 million euro in 2017 to more than 50 million euro in 2018. This substantial increase in financial resources gives the Top Sector the possibility to invest in more PPP projects and large LSH consortia that aim to tackle diseases by large-scale research and treatment programmes. One way of doing this is through the Match Call.

Check out the Match Call opportunities for your R&D project

Every Match Call application must satisfy at least the following requirements:

  • The research fits within the Knowledge and Innovation Agenda 2018-2021 of the Top Sector LSH (KIA).
  • The consortium consists of at least one company and one research organisation.
  • All consortium partners contribute in cash and/or in kind.
  • All consortium partners will jointly bear the costs and risks of realising the project.
  • All consortium partners make a substantial contribution with respect to the project’s content.
  • The project covers fundamental research, industrial research, experimental development, or a combination of these.
  • The project has a maximum duration of 5 years.


Application deadline Match Call

All incoming applications are evaluated by an evaluation committee and the board of the Top Sector LSH at set moments per year. The next deadline for submitting applications is 15October 2018.

More information?

Please contact the Top Sector’s executive office via or +31 70 349 5404 for more information and requirements on how to apply for the Match Call. We are happy to help! And in the meantime gain some inspiration by checking out the R&D projects on the Health~Holland website.

Go to the Match Call

New investment foundation Invest-NL operational in the first half of 2019 

Last Thursday, during a general meeting at the Dutch House of Representatives about Invest-NL, Minister Wiebes of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy announced that the necessary preparations for establishing this new investment foundation had been initiated. At the end of this year, the bill will be sent to the Dutch House of Representatives so that the new investment foundation can be launched in the first half of 2019. Wiebes explicitly mentioned societal challenges such as climate, energy and care as focus areas. He also reiterated that Invest-NL will aim to finance and develop innovations with a societal impact in market areas not yet covered, such as long-term and risky activities.

High stakes are involved in the extra investments in the life sciences sector. A strong innovation climate requires sufficient funding possibilities in different phases of development. With Invest-NL the government will acquire a tool to contribute to the continued growth of biotech companies that have not satisfied the market yet. Invest-NL can serve as a flywheel for the sector and enable companies to work far more effectively on innovative solutions for societal challenges in the areas of sustainability and healthcare.

A call for early detection and prevention of cardiovascular diseases

Big Data & Health call now open for applications

Together with the partners NWO, ZonMw, the Dutch Heart Foundation, the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, the Netherlands eScience Center, and the Top Sectors ICT and Creative Industry, the Top Sector Life Sciences & Health has launched the public-private partnership (PPP) research programme ‘Big Data & Health’. This programme focuses on the use of big data for an early detection and prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Interdisciplinary consortia, consisting of scientists and public/private parties, are invited to request funding for their research. The PPP programme ‘Big Data & Health’ aims to stimulate the cooperation between different scientific disciplines and business with the involvement of citizens, patients, and care professionals. Therefore, the participation of end-users (i.e. citizens, patients, and/or care professionals) is a requirement for these consortia.

Please submit your pre-proposal before 1 October 2018 at 14:00 hours CET. Would you like to know more about the programme and your possibilities to apply? Then please visit the funding page on our website.