The meeting of 30 April started with a short plenary opening moderated by Colja Laane (Health~Holland) with presentations of Angelique Berg (DG, VWS) and Jan Raaijmakers (Chairman of the top sector LSH), ending with an interview of representatives of Society, Henk Hendrix (Brabant Medical School), Industry, Hans Sijbesma (Nefarma) and (Entrepreneurial) Science, Peter Luijten (CCTM).
Next, all attendees debated in two group sessions about the content of the K&I Agenda. In between, all were invited to take a discussion-walk in couples to further elaborate on the Agenda. The lively and vivid insights and criticisms of those present are currently converted into the Draft 003 of the Agenda by the Health~Holland executive office.
Frequently mentioned aspects the 30th dealt with the contextual focus within the Agenda, the connective role of the top sector, the regional contribution, the strengthening of (de)implementation and finances of the top sector in general.