
Upcoming events

Find our up-to-date event calender on the Health~Holland website. Here, you can find a selection of events.

Highlighted events


19 June 2017 - BIO International Convention - San Diego
19 June 2017 - An Innovative Truth IX - The enabler for Sustainability & Innovation
20 June 2017 - Matchmaking tijdens MT Connect en Medtech Summit Duitsland
20 June 2017 - China Inspiration & Network Session
20 June 2017 - Trade Controls; current challenges and critical issues
21 June 2017 - SYMPOSIUM: Oncology Drug Discovery, Translating from Target to Patient
22 June 2017 - Health Innovation School
26 June 2017 - BioBusiness Summerschool 2017
26 June 2017 - Digital Health & Smart Devices United Kingdom
27 June 2017 - Medical Delta event 2017: Value based Healthcare & the role of technology
29 June 2017 - NRC Live: smarter and better organised
29 June 2017 - Middle East Inspiration & Network Session
29 June 2017 - HollandBIO Orphan Café
29 June 2017- Working conference: Digital skills in health care


4 July 2017 - LBSP: Show me the Money
4 July 2017 - New business models fot healthcare
5 July 2017 - Africa Inspiration & Network Session
6 July 2017 - Launch Party SingularityU Chapter Nijmegen
7 July 2017 - B2b-matchmaking tijdens Regmed Europe in Paris


6 September 2017 - Medical Fair Thailand 2017
12 September 2017 - Holland High Tech Roadmapevent 2017
14 September 2017 - NRC Live: New business models and funding
24 September 2017 - Translational Medicine 2017
28 September 2017 - World of Health Care


5 October 2017 - LBSP: Show me the Money
5 October 2017 - NRC Live: the big health debate
12 October 2017 - Lygature Partnership MeetUP


2 November - Techniek & Slimmer Leven
13 November - Holland Pavilion MEDICA 2017 | Germany, Düsseldorf
21 November - Pivot Oncology Conference

Dutch Events @ BIO International Convention

Top Sector LSH and HollandBIO cordially invite you to join the Dutch Health~Holland events at BIO!

Monday 19/6


Welcome @BIO Reception
Forget your jetlag, join us for drinks and get this BIO started!
Location: The Field, 544 Fifth Ave, San Diego, CA 92101
Tuesday 20/6


Health~Holland Pavilion, booth #5345, @BIO Exhibition
You’re most welcome to drop by for a cup of coffee and a chat!

Drinks at the Health~Holland Pavilion, booth #5345
The exhibition floor's best-visited happy hour at the Health~Holland Pavilion.
True to tradition, we will raffle the orange bike!

Wednesday 21/6


Health~Holland Pavilion, booth #5345 @BIO Exhibition
You’re most welcome to drop by for a cup of coffee and a chat!

Global Innovation Hubs Presentation: The Netherlands
Location: TBA.
Thursday 22/6


Health~Holland Pavilion, booth #5345 @BIO Exhibition
You’re most welcome to drop by for a cup of coffee and a chat!

Dutch Biotech in de Spotlight Corner

All attending Dutch biotech companies are invited to present themselves in the ‘Dutch Biotech in de Spotlight Corner’.

Two NRC Live evenings held and three more to come

NRC Live series: Future of Healthcare

Evening 1 on Behavior and health

From fast and cheap to sustainable and slow, many consumers have a growing interest in pursuing a healthy lifestyle. However obesity is a growing problem, especially amongst children and adolescents. Unhealthy food is widely available at rock-bottom prices and an active membership of a sports club costs a lot of money. The gap between educated and privileged citizens and less fortunate members of society is growing. This is unacceptable, according to executive councillor Victor Everhardt from Utrecht. He and other opinion leaders, such as Machteld Huber (Institute for Positive Health), discussed this dilemma and its possible solutions with the audience during the first session of a five-evening series on healthcare innovations, organised by NRC Live and co-hosted by Health~Holland.

Max Christern (chairman): “Adapting behaviour is a long-term process.”

Evening 2 on Technology as motor of innovation

The second NRC Live session addressed the technological branch of the sector. Technological developments and capabilities in healthcare have evolved considerably. The advance of medical technology offers opportunities to not only improve healthcare, but to make it more efficient and cheaper as well. However, paving the way for innovation and building a healthy society requires the collaboration of all parties according to Martijn de Bie (Verscentrum Nederland). During this session the cross-compliances and challenges for the development and implementation of eHealth were discussed. One important conclusion was drawn: to further pave the way for technological innovation in healthcare, we must co-create with the patients. Innovations must be realised not from a medical perspective but from a patient perspective.

Some lessons on patient participation can be found in the report of the PatientTOP.

Gerard Boekhoff (Neokidney Foundation): “We must innovate from the patient's perspective.”

Upcoming sessions

Three more inspiring sessions on ‘Organising smarter and better’, ‘New business models and finance’ and ‘The Great Care Debate’ will follow. During these Thursday night sessions, innovators, visionaries and leaders will engage in a debate about important decisions, obstructions and opportunities. Sign up and participate! Top Sector LSH hopes to meet you to edit...

Visit the World of Health Care 2017!

More than 500 key stakeholders in Dutch Life Sciences & Health organisations from business, civil society, knowledge institutions and government will visit the event. In addition, various international healthcare delegations from Germany, India, Indonesia, Poland, South Africa, and the Unites States will join. Not to mention the keynote speakers Frans van Houten (CEO Royal Philips), Jos de Blok (Buurtzorg), Melvin Samsom (CEO ‎at Karolinska University Hospital) and Victor Mids (MindF*CK).

The main goal of the WoHC is to network, share knowledge and to be inspired. As a visitor you will learn about global & local health trends, challenges and opportunities in an interactive manner. Expect a day full of networking, interesting speakers, interactive sessions, innovative showcases, private work spots, and even delicious food trucks!

Enjoy reduced ticket prices until the 31th of July! For more information visit the website of the World of Health Care.

BIO Europe Spring 2018 is coming to  Amsterdam

BIO Europe Spring 2018 will be held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, March 12–14, 2018

BIO Europe Spring, one of the largest biotech partnering conferences in Europe, will come to The Netherlands in 2018. The annual conference offers companies and organisations active in life sciences & health the perfect platform for collaboration and growth. The partnership system of the BIO Europe conferences enables you to identify, approach and meet potential partners, customers or financiers.

Jan Raaijmakers, Chairman of Top Sector Life Sciences & Health, said “Health~Holland actively stimulates, facilitates and supports partnerships to speed up innovation and boost solutions that improve health. We are most pleased to welcome BIO-Europe Spring 2018 to the Netherlands. Hosting this important partnering conference in Amsterdam not only reflects our leading position, it will gain momentum for further growth too.”

Top Sector LSH is really looking forward to the upcoming BIO Europe and will soon bring information.