Access to Funding
Translational Research Programme: call open
The Association of Dutch Health Foundations (SGF), ZonMw and Top Sector Life Sciences & Health joined forces in a new Call for Translational Research. The call is currently open until 19 April.
Translational research is the necessary translation of promising results from fundamental scientific research into application in the clinic. Translational research allows this translation to swiftly take place in a safe and responsible manner, thereby enabling patients to benefit as quickly as possible from the latest scientific developments. ZonMw has made it its goal to bridge the gap between theory and practice by stimulating the translation of preclinical knowledge into the development of new therapies. A shared vision of both Top Sector LSH and SGF that want to facilitate public private partnerships. Currently, the three partners joined forces on the Translational Research call. ZonMw and Top Sector will award projects that will be supplemented by Dutch Health Foundations.
Some requirements & information:
- Projects that are completing the final phase of their translational research and will start with the ‘first in man’ study within six months.
- Total budget of 10,5 million Euros: 4 million of ZonMw, 2 million of Top Sector LSH and 4,5 million of co-financing Health Foundations.
- Participating Health Foundations: Diabetes fonds, Epilepsiefonds, Hartstichting, Hersenstichting, Maag Lever Darm Stichting (MLDS), Nederlandse Brandwonden Stichting, Nederlandse Cystic Fibrosis Stichting (NCFS), Reumafonds and Stichting MS Research.
- Top Sector granted applications always require a public private partnership.
- Maximum duration of projects: 4 years.
For more information on the grant, evaluation criteria, and matchmaking visit the website or read the programme (Dutch only).