Health~Holland Portal

Gateway to the Dutch Life Sciences & Health sector

Top Sector Life Sciences & Health (LSH) aims to unlock valuable information for, by and about the Dutch Life Sciences & Health sector. To that end, the Top Sector’s communications team has therefore been working hard to establish an online LSH portal that will be accessible through the Health~Holland website. Although the completion and optimisation of the portal will remain a continuous effort, the official launch of the Health~Holland portal will take place soon.

The portal focuses on six core themes that have been identified as highly relevant for the success of Top Sector LSH, including funding, rules and regulations, research & development, internationalisation, human capital, and organisations. 

We have worked closely with SMEs, academia and research organisations, industry associations and other stakeholders to establish the portal’s structure and content. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved for their valuable contributions.

The portal will be launched in September. Further details will be announced on our website shortly. Follow Health~Holland on Twitter to stay up to date with the latest Top Sector LSH news.