
​More Attention for Antibiotic Resistance

An emerging collaboration between Top Sectors Chemistry, Agri & Food, Life Sciences & Health and the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport.


Antibiotic resistance is a growing problem for public health. Innovation and the development of antibiotics, or alternatives for these, are an important part of the approach to antibiotic resistance that the Minister for Health, Welfare and Sport communicated to the Dutch House of Representatives at the start of 2015. 

In the Knowledge and Innovation Agenda of the Top Sector Life Sciences & Health, specific attention is devoted to antibiotic resistance. The Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport aims to further improve the national infrastructure for the research and development of new antibiotics. For this the Ministry strives to increase collaboration between Dutch research institutes, companies and other organisations involved in this field. In close consultation with the Top Sector Life Sciences & Health the Ministry wants to set up a national coordinating structure that connects, coordinates and represents the various public and private institutions and the associated projects and initiatives. The structure will acquire a directive role in the research and ensure harmonisation between the parties involved with respect to fundamental, translational and clinical research.

The Ministry has asked InnoTact Consulting BV to produce a concrete elaboration of such a collaborative structure in the coming months and to ask the main players in the working field to become involved in this.